Day 16
“While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then after fasting and praying they laid their hands on them and sent them off.” -Acts 13: 2-3
A couple of days ago Acts 9:9 was the verse. These early days of Christianity and events that transpired after Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus have remained on my mind. A few chapters later we again see fasting as a relevant part of Believers who are worshiping and praying. The longer I study Biblical fasting, the more I am stunned that it is almost non-existent in our comfortable western churches. In this instance we see numerous people fasting together as part of their worship too. It is becoming more and more interesting to see the examples of fasting that we have in the Bible.
In the post a couple days ago, I referenced how Saul was “set apart.” What I was referencing there comes from Acts 9:15 where Jesus tells Ananias that Saul “is a chosen instrument” of Jesus to go forth and proclaim Christ. The direct translation for “chosen instrument” is “a vessel of election.” Jesus set Saul apart. We see this also in Romans 1:1 when he says it of himself, “set apart for the Gospel of God.” Jesus also set Barnabas apart. My commentary notes that “the principle of two men working together is underscored.”
This also stands out to me considering the friendship, bonding and brotherhood I have had with Steve Friend over these months. We testified together, we’ve done multiple podcasts and interviews together. We’ve had a similar experience with being canceled by the fbi. We now have our own podcast that we co-host together. Most importantly, we have a mutual faith in Christ. It will be interesting to see what the Lord has in store for our paths next.
In the other day’s post I also referenced Acts 13 and the conversion of a high ranking government official. That government official was Sergius Paulus. Acts 13:7 says that he was a man of intelligence who summoned Paul and Barnabas because he wanted to hear God’s word. Who in government is like that today? Intelligent that is😉, much less seeking after God’s word. The Lord used Saul, who after this interaction is referred to as Paul throughout the rest of the Bible, for His purposes. Paul was just the vessel by which the truth of Christ brought Sergius Paulus into faith.
I’m not sure how the Lord plans to use me, or even the vessel that is Substack or AmRad. I do know, as I’ve prayed many times to include long before I was suspended, that I have asked God to use me for His purposes. I don’t know what those purposes are, other than primarily to spread the gospel; even to those in government. Maybe especially to them. I never could’ve imagined He would begin to answer that prayer and show me the work to which He has called me by having me suspended from the fbi. Yet here I am…send me.
I am not a medical professional. This journal is about my spiritual path and about that which the Lord has placed on me. This is not medical advice, nor was this fast done for any medical purpose. If you have a medical interest, seek medical advice. If you have particular health concerns, seek medical advice and/or conduct your own research. Any fasting advice, effects, realizations or anything else related to my fast come from my personal reflection and experience. If you are considering fasting, consulting with a healthcare provider may be appropriate for you.
Amen, Ronda! His hand is over ALL things!
So appropriate of parallel paths & relationships. He will give you the strength to fulfill your quest. I once prayed for patience... Almost 20 years later I am still living it with His guidance. Without, I would have been a statistic of an awful medical disorder. The Lord certainly carried me at times. He will carry you through the hardest times. Love in Christ, Rose