It has been a busy week. I don’t think it will slow any time soon. Especially after yesterday. As you’ve seen from the picture, my name is in the news again; as are the names of your other favorite Suspendables, Kyle Seraphin and Steve Friend. That being said, the cancer at the FBI is far worse than the examples us three have shown; four if you include Marcus Allen whom Steve and I testified with.
Kerry Picket from the Washington Times wrote “Whistleblowers accuse senior FBI officials of retaliating against agents for their political beliefs” on Tuesday and followed up with “Whistleblowers: FBI officials singled out agents who were former military for anti-Trump retaliation” yesterday. I will keep my comments brief because I believe it is imperative to read and understand what is happening at the FBI.
If it wasn’t already clear, what me, Steve, Kyle, Marcus and others who aren’t in the public have been saying is true. It always has been. I first went to Congress in November of 2021. That is two years ago now. Back then, I told Congress that the agency was weaponized against those they have deemed as dissidents; primarily conservatives and Christians. Now, other whistleblowers who worked inside the belly of the beast at FBI headquarters are confirming that this weaponization is true. Not only is it true, it is even more insidious than anyone thought; except for those of us who have been saying it all along. Does anyone think it has gotten any better in those two years? It has only gotten worse. The FBI is also targeting military veterans who work in the FBI. Why do you think they’d do that?
The second link above is where the thumbnail comes from. It’s as I’ve said all along, they KNEW that I didn't do what they claimed I did. They knew it. They targeted me because I'm a veteran, a Christian and I actually meant my oath. If there is one thing evildoers hate, it is when their evil, vile, wicked deeds are exposed. They HATE honesty.
“They hate him who reproves in the gate, and they abhor him who speaks the truth.” -Amos 5:10
I didn’t even know Jeffrey Veltri, Sean Clark or Dena Perkins, yet they marked me as untermensch because I’m a veteran, a Christian, abstained from the COVID-19 vaxxx and because I was making protected disclosures to Congress. That is what the most powerful law enforcement agency in the world is doing. They are targeting their own employees and doing everything in their power to destroy their lives; and they are doing it in the confines of the system they have created.
It’s ok for them to violate FBI policies, as is clear in the articles, as long as they are going after people they don’t even know, yet still people they hate. If they will do this type of thing to their own employees, what do you think they will do to you? From the article,
“The disclosure names the FBI supervisor Sean Clark and Ms. Perkins who were behind the scheme to punish Mr. O’Boyle, allegedly transferring him across the country with the intent to suspend him and financially devastate him.
“Clark bragged to at least one other FBI employee in SecD that he was going to really ‘screw’ O’Boyle,” the disclosure said.”
I have it on strong authority that Clark actually bragged, “we’re going to fuck the motherfucker.” The article says, “screw.” I think the actual words are important and lend a different, stronger meaning to just how vile these people are. Clark is now retired. He has his security clearance and pension. If people in positions of power take this approach to some type of internal investigation, does anyone think it appropriate that an institution like the FBI even be permitted to investigate crime anymore? I have long said, “it is rotten to the core.” That phrase was included in one of my protected disclosures regarding FBI wrongdoing. Congressmen, including Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan have seized on that phrase. Rightfully so.
Yet, the FBI get’s rewarded for this misdeeds. Our government voted this week to build them a brand new, $375 million headquarters that will be twice the size of the Pentagon. The FBI ought to be dismantled and the ground where the Hoover Building currently stands, salted. Why would the FBI, an alleged law enforcement agency who is part of the Intelligence Community (IC) and really loves the intelligence powers granted to them in the wake of 9/11 need a complex twice the size of the Pentagon you might ask? Because they are the domestic spying agency. Not only do they have the power and authority to spy on the American populace, they also have the power and authority to throw you in prison after they hatch terrorism plots which they often create.
I have been texting and speaking with a small number in the FBI since yesterday. The few who will speak to me still. One person asked me what I would do once they give me my job back 😂
I don’t think they will give me my job back. I think they will ramp up their efforts to come kick our door in at 6am one morning to frighten my wife and our four daughters and haul me off to prison; if they don’t kill me in the process. But, here is what I responded with in part:
“I don't see how I could. What they've done cannot be undone. The FBI knew I was mid transfer. They knew we sold our house in Kansas. They knew we hadn't yet closed on our house in Virginia. They knew we had a two week old baby. And, they knew I didn't do what they claimed I did. That is tyranny. That is corruption. That is evil. How do I go back to that?” They knew all that, and more. Let’s not forget that they wouldn’t even let me obtain OUR OWN BELONGINGS until November 4, 2022, and on that same day they notified me that my pay was suspended.
“O’Boyle and his family were left homeless. The FBI had possession of all of Mr. O’Boyle’s and his family’s personal effects, including clothes and furniture,” the disclosure said. “No one in SecD took any steps to assist O’Boyle from the desperate predicament that SecD created. SecD caused O’Boyle, who was still an FBI employee, to be left destitute in a city [where] he had no family or support.”
We spent about $6,000 retrieving our belongings alone; which doesn’t include labor costs or the time spent traveling for me, my brother and our friend, nor for the family members who helped us unload. Not to mention all the unpacking, thousands of dollars we’ve spent in rent and the tens of thousands we spent upfront for the transfer; none of which has been reimbursed.
After my suspension, which included even more travel costs that never got reimbursed we had nowhere else to go, so I returned to Wisconsin where my family was when I went to report and that is where we have been ever since. Not only did no one in SecD take no steps to assist us, the FBI deliberately did this! The way a government transfer works, they knew all the details. They knew we wouldn’t be able to close on our house. They knew we just had a baby. They knew it all.
Then, they refused to even let us have our belongings. So not only did they deliberately and maliciously suspend me under false pretenses, AS I HAVE BEEN SAYING ALL ALONG, they then maliciously refused to let us have our stuff. One FBI employee who was supposed to be assisting us with our transfer, told us through tears when we were trying to figure out how to get our stuff, “there’s nothing I can do. I hope the baby is ok. I’m praying for your family.” “We’re going to fuck the motherfucker,” remember?
“What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and on of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” -James 2:14-17
I would also assert that Assistant Director Michael Schneider, who presided over the sham “opportunity” I was given last October to “appeal” the FBI’s decision to suspend me also perjured himself in the Merit System’s Protection Board (MSPB) hearing I had in the spring. I used a different verse from James in my written appeal back in that October 2022 sham. An appeal were Schneider, and the FBI confirmed their own decision to suspend me. An appeal, where the merits of the suspension were not addressed, and could not be addressed by FBI policy. Then in the spring they were again not addressed. Of course, as is the case 99% of the time, the MSPB administrative judge ruled in favor of the FBI.
Director Wray, Jeffrey Veltri, Jennifer Moore, Micheal Schneider, the handful of other FBI employees who were part of the sham appeal (and yes, I have their names), Charles Dayoub, Dena Perkins, Sean Clark, and many others were part of this wicked scheme. Many of them, intentionally so. The others were at a minimum, complicit with the wickedness. Dietrich Bonhoeffer has been attributed with the quote, “silence in the face of evil is evil itself.” All of these people who were complicit are no less evil. All of the people in the FBI who comply and lean on their superior orders defense are no less evil.
Before I even knew this story was about to break and before I even knew any details about any of it, although I always have known that this was intentional and malicious, I tweeted, “Ive been struggling lately with my friends still in the FBI. A very small number check on me every now and then. They know that I know that they know the same types of things that I brought forward.Yet they just continue about their lives as if the same weaponization isn’t coming for them.”
And boy is that a struggle of mine. There is a very, very small number of people in the FBI who I love. They are good, decent people. All of them profess Christ. All of them are people I would lay down my life for. Then, there is a bit larger of a number of people who I thought were my friends, and who I was thinking of in that tweet too. Who I thought would do the right thing. Who I thought cared about what was right. But I have learned that the vast majority of people are not who they present themselves to be.
“Nevertheless, many even of the authorities believed in him, but for fear of the Pharisees they did not confess it, so that they would not be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the glory that comes from man more than the glory that comes from God.” -John 12:42-43
One of those men I love told me this, “I hope this means the truth is finally getting out there for you and your family. They have literally put you guys through hell. But as I have believed all along and said before, the Lord has truly placed his hands on you. He would not give you more than you can handle, which speaks volumes about you my friend because of what you have been going through. And you have stood strong in your faith and taken care of your family all along. You are one hell of a man sir, and a true example of what an Agent is supposed to be. I greatly respect you and miss you.”
Another one told me this, “Certainly the faithful will continue to be persecuted. I can’t help but feel we’re living in a society that is like the Israelites in later Judges. “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what he thought best.” We’ve become so comfortable that most turn their back on God, or worse elevate themselves as godlike. And as those with eyes to see know that He will not be mocked for long. The reckoning will come. Meanwhile, Joshua 24:15.”
There has been more too, even if it is a small number. As always, there is a remnant.
I’ll end with this, since the point was for you to read the two articles linked in the first paragraph. Jerry Nadler and Stacey Plaskett recommended me for criminal charges of obstruction and perjury based on sworn testimony by Jennifer Moore, the FBI evildoer who suspended my security clearance, that the FBI had determined that I had leaked information to project veritas and the press. She even said I was such a threat to national security that they had to take immediate action. Yet, I was under investigation for over a month before they suspended me. In that month, I participated in classified training and had access to Top Secret/Secret Compartmentalized Information, the highest level of classification that exists in the US government.
Plaskett and Nadler’s charges, charges that I believe the FBI are investigating since they won't tell me or my attorneys one way or the other, are themselves based on perjured testimony. She, Jennifer Moore, gave that testimony on June 2. She retired on June 3. She still has her pension, her security clearance and a new job. Just like Clark.
“Do horses run on rocks? Does one plow there with oxen? But you have turned justice into poison and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood”-Amos 6:12
The Suspendables will endure. Hold the line.
Thank you for your service, Garret, on this Remembrance Day in Canada, and Veteran's Day in USA. My son continues to serve as we speak, in the Maritimes, and I can only hope that his integrity holds up to opposition in the way yours has repelled 'slings and arrows of outrageous fortune'. Writing is not only therapeutic for the author/poet, but is vital to record reality by gifted observers, each with unique skillsets. Heroic virtue has many faces and forms. Thanks for serving others via military/police/FBI and now as a family man with tangible responsibilities in uncertain environments and chaotic times.
Garret: You are an Ezekiel 22:30 man-a man willing to stand in the gap. I believe God raised up you, Kyle, and Steve for this time. To stand for Christ, true freedom, and fight tyranny. I’ve never thought well of Gerry Nadler, nor does he tell the truth. I bet the story of his time in DC would read like a sordid novel! I left a Medicaid position because I could see the purely evil “sex-change” legislation coming for health insurance. And I would not approve one. They are harmful and not medically necessary. We are behind you -oh man in the gap! Thank you for your honorable service.