It would indeed be a reverent amazing time to meet Jesus upon his birth. Just as we know the ultimate gift he has given beyond his death.

Love in Christ, Rose

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Garret, I know you're not a Catholic-Christian but thought you might find this interesting. It is the version I grew up with, since my father believed it to be of vital importance. Her Feastday is celebrated on September 1st each year, for Anna the Prophetess, and it is our custom to pray the Joyful Mysteries of the most holy Rosary since the 4th decade is the Presentation at the Temple, the event described.

This site called uCatholic provides a brief summary of Anna's life, for reference;


I'm not asking you to 'believe' it, simply to consider it, with hopes it opens up a new prism angle.

" Saint Anna the Prophetess was the daughter of a man named Phanuel who was of the tribe of Aser, one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. She was one of the very, very few faithful Jewish girls who believed with all her heart in the revelations of God in the Old Testament, and who awaited their fulfillment in the New Testament. Saint Anna was married when she was fourteen. She became a widow at twenty-one. She was the one in charge of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the time Mary was presented in the Temple at the age of three until she was betrothed at the age of fourteen. Saint Anna was seventy-two years old when she first met Our Lady. She was eighty-four years old when Mary presented Jesus in the Temple. All other Jewish women in the Temple at that time ignored Jesus. Only Anna greeted Him (Luke 2:36-38). All the Jewish priests ignored Jesus. Only Simeon greeted Him and held Him in his arms, and declared while Anna was listening, “Now Thou dost dismiss Thy servant, O Lord, according to Thy word in peace.” The name Anna means grace. Mary was not only full of grace, but was companioned by grace all during her childhood. "

PS - Anna has been on my mind this week, since July 26th is the Feastday of Saints Anne and Joachim, Mary's parents, the grandparents of Jesus ... it is also the date of my twin sons' Sacrament of Baptism.

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