Day 33
“Then the king went to his palace and spent the night fasting; no diversions were brought to him, and sleep fled from him.” -Daniel 6:18
To the book of Daniel once again. Back on Day 21 we saw Daniel account his own three week fast in Chapter 10 and again he fasted for repentance on behalf of his people in Chapter 9 which we looked at on Day 28.. Today, we rewind a few more chapters and see the pagan king engage in his own fast. This may strike us as bizarre since primarily we have seen those seeking God fast.
This could be because the king, Darius, was so distraught over what he had learned pertaining to Daniel in the lead up to verse 18, or it could be because even a pagan king recognized the clarity of thought that can come from fasting and was seeking wisdom; albeit earthly wisdom. Could be a few other possibilities as well.
By this time, Daniel was serving under his third king. First he was taken from his homeland and inserted into the Babylonian kingdom. They tried their hardest to brainwash him away from the one true God, but it never worked. Daniel remained faithful from (likely) his teenage years until his death. Eventually the Babylonian Kingdom was subdued by the Medo-Persian empire many decades after Daniel was first taken from his people. It is under this empire where the events of Daniel 6 transpire.
Daniel once again had a prominent place in government. Aside from Darius, he was one of the top three ranking officials. Beneath those three were 120 other officials. In short order, Daniel became distinguished above all others in the eyes of the king. This didn’t sit well with the other governmental “leaders.” Darius even planned to set Daniel over the whole kingdom to essentially be the ruler by proxy. So, in typical government fashion, the other governmental officials retaliated against Daniel. But they couldn’t find any reason to bring him down. Then they realized that the only way would be if they found “it in connection with the law of his God.”
Typical. Can’t find any true fault with the man so find fault with his devotion to God. They couldn’t find fault in Daniel because he was committed to the truth and properly exhibited that commitment in his day to day affairs on behalf of the kingdom. So, these officials persuaded the king to create a new law. As is common, they used the king’s own hubris against him. They convinced him to create a new law. Again, typical. When tyrants want something done, they create or use laws to accomplish their despotic ends.
These other officials convinced the king to create a 30 day law which held that all subjects of the kingdom worship Darius. If anyone didn’t abide by this law, they would be thrown into the lions den. Verse 10 tells us, “When Daniel knew that the document had been signed, he went to his house where he had windows in his upper chamber open toward Jerusalem. He got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done previously.”
Daniel broke the law. Just as those in government wanted him to. Of course he did though. Daniel had lived an uncompromising life, the vast majority of which under tyrannical rule. Even though Daniel was part of that tyrannical system he still lived out his faith. The same can be done today by those Believers who are part of the government. When government commands you to do something that God commands you not to do, or when government commands you not to do something that God commands you do, you have a duty to resist such tyranny. As Daniel did.
The other government leaders took this information to Darius and called him out on the new law he had created. The king told them that the law stood, since in their system no law could be revoked. This greatly distressed Darius though and in verse 14 it says that he “was much distressed and set his mind to deliver Daniel. And he labored till the sun went down to rescue him.” He was not able to though because those in his administration continued to hold him to the law.
So, Daniel was taken to the lions den. The king, because of his distress over Daniel, his anger at his officials, his own turning to God, or perhaps a combination of those things, led to his fast. At day break the next day he hurried to the lions den and cried out in anguish to Daniel, “May your God, whom you serve continually, deliver you!” and had the stone removed where he found Daniel alive and whole. It sounds like Darius had already come to the realization that he had inappropriately, even illegally in God’s eyes, elevated himself to being a false god, and recognized the error of his ways.
Then Darius ordered that the wicked ones in government who plotted against Daniel, and their wives and children, be cast into the lions den. Which they were. Darius then decreed to all the people in his “royal dominion” that the “people are to tremble and fear before the God of Daniel, for he is the living God, enduring forever; his kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion shall be to the end.”
That decree is still true today, for all kingdoms. If only more in government would realize it.
I am not a medical professional. This journal is about my spiritual path and about that which the Lord has placed on me. This is not medical advice, nor was this fast done for any medical purpose. If you have a medical interest, seek medical advice. If you have particular health concerns, seek medical advice and/or conduct your own research. Any fasting advice, effects, realizations or anything else related to my fast come from my personal reflection and experience. If you are considering fasting, consulting with a healthcare provider may be appropriate for you.
Daniel is an amazing example, especially for current Christians who want nothing to do with politics. Who do they think the prophets talked to if not for kings and other religious and government leaders?
“They couldn’t find fault in Daniel because he was committed to the truth and properly exhibited that commitment in his day to day affairs on behalf of the kingdom”. Enjoyed the read today Garret. Revisit Daniel any time. I need to myself. 💪🏻