This brought up two rabbit-hole things for me that I want to share.

1. Somehow I found a CD series by Monte Judah called Jots & Tittles. And the jots and tittles translated for Christians makes it sound like simply "details" -- the dotting of "i"s and the crossing of Ts. Not so. Jots and tittles are Hebrew language symbols that added to certain words, throws a completely deeper and sometimes different meaning than the ordinary reader would see. Most times it takes a scribe to actually discern them. It's a fascinating listen. To order it call 405-447-4429 x2 and Ellen will answer the phone - ask for the CD series Jots & Tittles. So interesting.

2. A book by Samuel Koiki called: I am the ALEPH-TAV: Unveiling Jesus in the Old Testament, Volume 1 - The Law. So it covers the first 5 books = Torah. So interesting. Here is the 4th/last paragraph on the back cover:

Was Jesus telling John that he was there all along when the universe was created in Genesis? Perhaps he was telling John that he indeed is the Creator. Was he the one who split the Red Sea, as told in Exodus? Was he the Passover Lamb in Leviticus, the high priest in Numbers, the rock that brought forth water in Deuteronomy, or the commander of the Lord's army in Judges? Was he telling John that he is on every page of the Old Testament, all the way to Malachi, where he is the Son of righteousness who brings healing? This book unlike any other will bless and enrich you abundantly. Sit back and embark on this incredible journey with me."

He literally is on EVERY PAGE of the Old Testament. I used to think that was an exaggeration. No more. He is there; on every page.

Thanks for letting me share. These are treasures.

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Thanks for sharing SAMO. It has been encouraging for me to see your comments and learn from you along the way. EVERY PAGE. Exactly.

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