Welcome to Internal Comms. I had this idea off the cuff to more or less provide a stream of conscience, “internal communications” update for the week. I don’t know how often I will do it, or even if I will ever do it again. I didn’t have much time this week to dedicate to a topic or even extrapolate much on things regarding my name being leaked [which I will do here to some degree]. I had planned on getting back to the “Nineveh” series [part 1 and part 2] which essentially kickstarted this wacky Substack idea in the first place, but honestly, my anger and bitterness is perhaps at an all time high concerning the recent events of life. Nonetheless, Internal Comms seemed like a good idea at the time. Let me know what you think. -GOB
My name continues to be blasted all over the “news” media. I haven't been keeping up with them all and don’t think I could at this point anyways; nor do I want to since it simply isn’t good mentally. It’s bizarre as I remain mostly insulated and still have not been sought to comment on anything regarding my leaked testimony or truthfulness of any of the “reporting.” One outlet, which mentioned me by name, later started calling me Agent Boyle and alleged that I interviewed with Fox News. Nope. I STILL haven’t gone to the media, which remember, is the pretext the FBI used to suspend me in the first place. Their stated reason at least.
It is likely becoming clear that this reason was used as a pretext to rid themselves of someone who refused to bow to the regime. If it still isn’t clear to you, perhaps it will be in the days, weeks and months to come that their only concern is compliance. Do what they say when they say it and do it how they want it done. If you don’t, you too can be added to a list of “undesirables.” What is out there so far hasn't even scratched the surface on the types of malfeasance I witnessed in the FBI. Hopefully, more of that will become public knowledge before too long. Congress has the receipts. All they have to do now is make them available to you, the people.
Another “news” outlet attributed some of my whistleblower activity to a different FBI whistleblower, Kyle Seraphin. It is comical sometimes how far off the mark some of these alleged “news” sites can be. The information coming out, or being leaked, isn’t about credit. I’d have rather stayed anonymous and worked to get my job back (not that I was, or am holding my breath on that). It’s about exposing the misdeeds of the most powerful law enforcement agency in the world. If they can easily cancel any employee who has blown the whistle on their misdeeds [I personally know about 10 people who have done so and are now suspended or otherwise out of the FBI], they can easily cancel you; or worse, arrest and throw you in prison for years to life.
That piece now reflects my name on their website, however. Probably because Kyle told them it was me…Also, be sure to check out The Kyle Seraphin Show wherever you download your podcasts, and be sure to leave a five star review.
All of the articles, or other types of media out there, that I have seen are somewhat inaccurate at best and outright false at worst; as minimally documented in last week’s post, Leaking Leakers. Perhaps I was too charitable with that title. Lying Leaking Leakers is more appropriate. On Friday of last week, a friend told me that Rep. Jim Jordan, who chairs the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, was going to be on Hannity. So, we tuned in to see what might be said and what updates might be given. Much to my dismay, they too spoke of me and my testimony. As you’ll see in the picture below, one of the quotes attributed to me uses the word “adherence.” I’ve seen this in other “news” outlets as well. Ok. But the word I used in testimony was actually “adherents.” But, hey, what do I know, I’m just the person who was being deposed.
One would think that a simple reading of the sentence would have led the reader to think the structure was off because of the placement and usage of “adherence,” but again, what do I know anyways. This is likely misattributed to me because those who have seized my leaked testimony haven’t sought to verify any of it with me, and “adherence” was most likely an honest error by the transcriber of my testimony. In that person’s defense, both forms of the word sound the same. I won’t cut any slack to anyone else though since they all have failed in basic investigating, something we all should be able to expect from “journalists.” If a cop, or FBI agent, put quotes in their report about statements you made that they received from a third party, without any follow up or clarifying questions directly to you, would you be confident in the outcome?
I’ll tell you this, if a rookie cop took a call for service and received quotes from the reporting person, then refused to seek out the person who allegedly made those quotes and simply filed a report, their Field Training Officer (FTO) would lose their mind. Then again, an FTO would most likely never allow such a thing to happen since it is contrary to the core elements of investigating. That being said, it is clear that “journalists” are not held to as strict a standard. No one is calling for a “defund journalists” movement though.
Friday night also was a time when a number of former colleagues began reaching out. Sadly, but expectedly, the last week resulted in very, very few former FBI colleagues reaching out. However, the FBI struck fear in them when my former SSA held a meeting and claimed I was going to be fired, charged and arrested. Odious claims from someone who allegedly wasn’t involved with my mid-transfer, indefinite suspension. Other colleagues from elsewhere in the FBI have been scant at best too. This time has been very revealing about people, their assumptions, cares and overall nature. To those FBI colleagues who have checked in, and somehow are reading this, thank you. You know who are.
Other former colleagues, from my time as a police officer have been reaching out as well and have been quite supportive. I initially was surprised by this, but as I ruminated about it, that surprise faded. Of course they reached out in support. Of course. Police officers develop a strong bond because of the types of things they face together and their mutually shared experiences where they are able to determine exactly the type of people they are working alongside. We all know that type of bond is common to career fields that can be a bit more intense than most others. I saw it in the Army; ER nurses, firefighters and paramedics can form similar bonds as well. Entering the FBI, and then especially once I was on SWAT, I thought it would be similar. It wasn’t. I’m grateful to those former police colleagues for showing me, that even after all this time away from that field and department, that our bond still exists. It has been a bright spot in an otherwise dark period.
There has been a small contingent of other friends, family and former colleagues of one bent or another too who share my faith, or otherwise that have been reaching out in support as well. This group runs the gamut from Army, police, FBI, church friends and more. Some, I’ve spoken with on the phone and others via text. Those I spoke with, know that just because I don’t recall verbatim what was said and thus, don’t include it here, the sentiment remains. Not in any particular order, here are some of the things those who texted shared with me this past week:
Someone sent me a short daily devotional which said, “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. -1 Corinthians 16:13
“Passage for the Day: 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
“It…takes relational courage to build significant relationships with friends, to look another person in the eye and say, “Isn’t it time we stopped talking about the weather and the stock market and started talking about what’s going on in your life and mine? Isn’t it time we became brothers?” Not many men have the courage to challenge each other, to fight for each other’s spiritual and relational growth. -Bill Hybels” The person who sent this also added, “Coincidences? The Holy Spirit laughs and says “not a chance.””
“Your own country is speaking out against you and yet God knows the truth. He knows your heart and desire to serve Him above the corruption of this government. Persecution is only going to get worse unless there is a revival in our land. While I pray for revival, I know we very likely could be headed toward even darker days ahead. May you find peace in Him, not of this world.”
“That's because satan is firing for affect on you. He's going all out. You are a threat. You are on the front lines right now. You just gotta keep asking God for a resupply and keep up the fight. Never forget you're not alone.”
“That’s exactly why you’re doing it. Think of the amazing lessons you’re teaching your girls. You’re teaching them to have such strong convictions.”
“I know it’s not easy to hear but you know who you are, you know what you’ve seen. You know what you did, and didn’t do. Typical of most people to hear or see something and believe it, and not take the time to look into it, and educate themselves. Shame on them.”
“No man it’s good to get things off your chest and I feel for you man, genuinely do and it pisses me off even more to hear that knowing how messed up the fbi is and what they do to good honest people. Damn man, if there’s anything I can do to help just name it.”
“The emotional drain is real... but I would chalk that one up in the “proof you’re doing a good job as a dad” column. You know, we were talking about the WWII guys the other night... this fight is every bit as big as what [redacted] grandpa experienced. It just looks different. And it will be a season. It won’t last forever. I won’t pretend to know the ultimate outcome, and I’m definitely not an everything will be unicorns and rainbows at some point (in our earthly life) kinda guy, but it will end. I agree with [redacted], control what you can control and what you both have been in control of is using this as an opportunity to spread God’s word in various ways from your vax exemption letters to maintaining your integrity when falsely accused, etc. And if [redacted] is responding in this way then I’d say you’re still blocking those arrows, brother!”
“I think that there's an overarching theme of patriotism at the local law enforcement level, to the point where your strength of conviction and moral code are both respected and admired, but also shines to the point where people self reflect and realize that they're diminished, because if push came to shove, most aren't willing to step up and stand by what they say they represent. Unlike you.”
Along with meaningful communication with a handful of people in the last week, some Biblical exposition and study has also been beneficial for me. I’ll annotate and comment on some of that here:
“You don’t get away with anything. And so you might think that you can bend the fabric of reality and that you can treat people instrumentally and that you can bow to the tyrant and violate your conscience without cost. You will pay the piper. It’s going to call you out of that slavery into freedom even if that pulls you into the desert.” -Jordan B. Peterson
The above clip is simply the advertisement for this series on Exodus. A series that alone is worth the Daily Wire+ subscription, yet alone other worthwhile content they have such as What is a Woman. Oddly enough, although not really I guess since coincidence is a myth, the church we’ve been attending for a few weeks now is also in Exodus. The statement above from JBP could not be more poignant for me right now, however. I hope it is for you as well. I know numerous people who caved, and continue to cave, to the growing tyranny around them by turning a blind eye, staying quiet, assuming the status quo, invoking the failed Nazi “superior orders defense,” and other lame duck excuses for “toeing the line.” I know many people out there, perhaps even many reading this are thinking I’m going overboard in my alarmism.
About a year ago I read Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas. I’ve also talked about how impactful my trip to the Holocaust Museum was and why I thought the FBI has new employees make that trip. The story of Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland, Band of Brothers (of which I am a legacy member of having served in the original Easy Company of the 2/506 Infantry Battalion in the 101st Airborne Division) and other factors have weighed heavily on my filter towards life and towards right and wrong. I’ve scratched the surface on “police reform” in pre-WWII Germany and have long cared and dedicated my life towards the balance of liberty and peace. So, sure, maybe my perspective is skewed. One thing that is certain, however, is that totalitarian and authoritarian regimes don’t arrive overnight. They slowly seize their power and control. If the last few years have shown us anything, they’ve shown us that those types of regimes all over the globe have rapidly seized their control, or rapidly moved towards those types of control.
If you don’t have time for a 600+ page book, consider watching this 8 minute video:
The below sermon, by Pastor James Coates, includes the following, “And so, when government punishes good and rewards evil, it has not only abandoned its purpose, it is under the woe of God's judgment. In fact, it's treason. And this comes out in verse 4: “for it is a minister of God to you for good.” A diakonos - we get our word deacon from that. Government is a Minister of God, a servant of God. And it's intended for our good to uphold law and order, to uphold justice, to protect our God given rights against tyrannical governments. Instead, our government is hostile to God. And is essentially assaulting all of His creation norms. Every aspect of His sovereign rule over the world - and He laughed, so there's no concern here - but every aspect of His creation, every aspect of His sovereign rule over the earth, they are attacking that. They are hostile to God. And now good behavior is a cause for fear. And they give hearty approval to those given to evil.”
This sermon is one of a handful I listened to this week that have been profoundly impactful. I won’t even bother with my own commentary. The one quote I pulled above ought to suffice. That pastor was arrested for keeping his church open, contrary to the anti-Christ, tyrannical dictates of the Canadian government; dictates that were not dissimilar from those we saw in the US. The western church must wake up. Increased persecution is coming. The COVID-19 era is just a preface. If you think I am wrong, insert critical race theory, LGBTQ+ ideology, and other morally bankrupt agendas being forced down your throat here.
All of these beliefs are contrary to that which are taught in the Bible. All of them. It will not be long before this type of speech is held up as “hate speech,” in fact, it already is. That is one example of many. Your First Amendment means nothing to those who are opposed to the truth of the Gospel, or opposed to the truth of your speech if it is anti their narrative.
Last Sunday night we watched this sermon by Pastor Jeff Durbin of Apologia Church. It likely couldn’t have come at a better time. Then again, I also don’t believe it was a coincidence I happened across it when I did, or that it was the planned sermon for their church that night. Again, as above, I’ll only provide a pertinent quote or two. I also don’t expect you to watch all of these videos or read all of the links, or whatever else I may allude to in these Substack posts. I know most of you don’t anyways, however, I do hope that I at least am properly showing that I have done my due diligence before I write these words and that I have put forth deep thought, study, prayer, discussion, and research, that when combined with my life’s experiences, help portray how and why I’ve arrived at these positions, which include the types of information I share in this format. The quote from the sermon below speaks for itself, and so I hope this different type of post was edifying in some fashion for you!
“So, the text says ‘by me kings reign and rulers decree what is just. By me princes rule and nobles all who govern justly.’ So we must repent. There’s no other way. We have to turn. We have to have a change of mind. Our neighbors are being destroyed and God is being offended. Wisdom is being hidden and the Gospel isn’t being proclaimed faithfully, loudly, at the city gates, in the public square to everybody. We must repent of our disregard to God’s wisdom. We have to repent as a people of our preventing wisdom from speaking in the public square. We have to repent of our shame, of our being ashamed of God’s truth and God’s wisdom, we’re ashamed of it. We don’t want to bring it because we are fearful of what people will think of us; and we must repent of our cowardice as a people. We love our lives too much. We’re too afraid to bring the truth.
“If you ever want to get a kick in the teeth, pick up a copy of Foxes Book of Martyrs and look at some of the giants in history and what they endured to love God and love their neighbor. One of the things that’s very challenging, and I will end on this point, it is very challenging, in the book of Revelation, is that when it talks of being cast into the lake of fire and when it talks of people who are outside the kingdom of God, it says that there are cowards. Cowards. That cowardice is a sin for which you will experience eternal judgement. Cowardice. You know what’s right to do and you refuse to do what’s right. Cowardice is something that will be judged by God. And so brothers and sisters, when we consider this question of ‘why will we hide wisdom from our rulers and leaders,’ we need to challange our own hearts and minds and ask us, ‘do we really believe these are the words of God?’ So do you believe it? Do you believe it? Do these words go to them as well? Then let’s bring it to them.”