Another great article that I thoroughly enjoyed reading along with a few facts that I didn’t know about. As always Garret I really enjoy the way you write & I look forward to your pieces when they are available!! Thank you for taking the time to write this!

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Thank you for your diligence in giving us the facts. You are appreciated. God bless you.

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Great article--reading Bernstein’s article tomorrow. The El Salvador thing was interesting because a good friend and fellow med student knew A LOT about El Salvador due to missionaries in her church. I think her brother may have been one. She was livid & adamant the FBI and govt had set up everything going on there and were lying through their teeth. She was a quiet Mennonite and her anger made an impression! Appreciate all the truth you’re willing to share with us. And if the single shot killed JFK theory was a lie, so was the murder of MLK.

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Your best one yet! Thank you!

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Excellent article. There is a certain sad irony how the FBI and other agencies are "reformed" after being caught violating Americans' rights then go on to violate them more. FBI surveillance is exponentially more invasive now than it was then and the CIA still works with the media.

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