โ€ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.โ€ -2 Corinthians 12:9. This speaks volumes.

& appropriately placed.

Love in Christ Rose

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Jun 14ยทedited Jun 14Liked by Garret O'Boyle

I very recently listened to a relatively new-to-me pastor. He is doing several sermons on faith, miracles of healing, etc. And he is telling the story of Jesus casting out the demon in a little boy suffering from seizures. The sermon explains in a new way the Matt 17:21 passage of "this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." I had always been taught "this kind" referred to "this kind [of demon]". But this pastor explained that the proper context is "this type [of unbelief] does not go out except by prayer and fasting." Really - this makes much more sense to me. And encourages me to start a practice of fasting, as well. I am still thinking on it. Thoughts?

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Jun 14Liked by Garret O'Boyle

Let me include the link: https://nolimits.church/4-ingredients-for-faith-to-work/

The entire presentation is interesting, but to get to the exact section I refer to above, go to 30- minute mark.

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I think that is the proper explanation. Jesus was using this interaction to teach his disciples about their own faith. They weren't able to heal the boy of his demonic possession because of their own lack of faith. Something we see consistently through Christ's ministry and guiding of his disciples. All of these moments, and future ones like the disciples abandoning him in Gethsemane or Peter denying him, eventually worked in their lives to build a stronger faith for them so they would go out and establish the Church after he was gone. Their future ministries would require great faith which they did not yet have at this juncture. Thanks for sharing. Caused me to revisit this passage and think/study it deeper. Thanks for sharing the link too.

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All of his stuff is good - and he seems to be on this topic right now.

www.nolimits.church - under messages

** Why You Should Quit Praying For Healing -- was very good. Sorta like Praying Medic in that regard.

** Faith That Works - Part 1 and Part 2

** Healing and God's Timing -

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