Excellent. Thank you!

I’m not familiar with Habakkuk, and don’t remember it from Bible study. Hmmm.

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God has placed you right where HE needs you to be on this day! You seem to always have the right scripture for the moment. I’m not familiar at all with Habakkuk & given the scripture you read from it I’m eager to take a dive in & read about Habakkuk!! Thanks Garret for being the man God made you. Your humbleness, meekness, your all encompassing kindness & the glory you show to God with your words are inspiring!! Your words shine a piercingly bright light thru the darkness of today & I’m thankful for your words & eagerly anticipate your next Substack drop!! I appreciate you Garrett!!

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It is unbelievable how evil the people at the top. I am praying for all of the suspendables to be able to stay strong and know that God will protect them. In addition, I am praying that other FBI agents will have the strength to be whistleblowers themselves in order to effect change.

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Your strength is awe inspiring. Your story makes my problems look small. I am (reasonably) sure you have dealt with anger and bitterness over everything, but again, it is inspiring to see where you are. Thank you for sharing and thank you for doing what is right and just.

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So good to see another post from you regarding the last 2 years of you and your families journey. You continue to persevere and travail amidst such a very very disheartening situation.

But it is also very evident that you know GODS Word and have spent time in it. Hence by the numerous passages I have read in this post. I believe Garret that GOD does some of the greatest work in our lives when we don’t see it or even think HES there. Your greatest asset in this battle is that you know your Creator AND you have your armor well prepared! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Perfect verses for today’s world. 😕

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I became a part of the "Forty Days for Life" program in my city and proclaimed for Christ the King with my rosary at a large Planned Parenthood murder palace.

I remember there was a state law that passed in the state of New York in 2019 that allowed for late term abortions. There was a video of the people on the floor of the NY state legislature assembly and it was mainly women jumping up and down and shouting and smiling in a possessed blood thirsty gleeful way.

When people become crazy happy for greater rights to kill innocent human beings, we have a large population of the USA who have become possessed by the evil one.

A human person has a soul, every man, woman, and child that is born or unborn in the womb. When adult humans go crazy drunken-like "happy" over murdering babies, we know for sure that....

" we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Saint Paul's letter to the followers of Christ in Ephesus

Ephesians 6:12

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